Punk in Indonesia

In 2012 I wrote my BA dissertation on the punk scene in Indonesia, and how the genre relates to the national motto of “Unity in Diversity”. That has since been published as part of a collection of essays by Punk Scholar’s Network and is available here.

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“This volume represents the first academic collection to draw upon postgraduate research in exploring the punk scene. Cutting-edge studies, spanning both local and global contexts, are covered with contributions from a range of academic disciplines, including art and design, sociology, cultural studies, English, and music. The chapters are loosely focused around three themes: scenes; gender, “race” and sexuality; and therapy and laughter. The collection builds upon, and diversifies, existing academic work in punk studies covering such topics as “whitestraightboy” hegemony, straight-edge in France, CRT and the links between punk and the “rave” scene of the 1990s.”

Below are about 1,400 photos from when I lived and worked in the Jakarta punk scene in 2013.